Free Snippet Optimizer Tool

 The main purpose of the SERP Snippet Optimization Tool is to allow website administrator  and content publishers to make  page titles and meta description tags in such a way that results in attractive  listings in Google’s  search results.

 A rich snippet contains additional information than normal snippet does. That’s why we call it a rich snippet.

Rich snippets stand out from the other snippets. They look much nicer and you’ll instantly know more, just by looking at them. 

The traffic intensity depends upon the click rate of snipet. Not because your position in the search engine changed, but just because more people click on your result. In the long run, rich snippets will have an effect on your ranking as well. As more people click on your result, Google will notice that people prefer your page above other ones. That’ll absolutely improve your rankings in the long run.

Short Tail Keywords are basically those keywords which have one or two keywords.Long term keywords are those keywords which have more than two keywords.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a website by Google that  uses graphs to compare the search volume of various types of queries. It analyzes the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across various regions and languages. 

In 2008 Google launched Google Insights for Search, which was a advanced service displaying search trends data. In 2012, Google merged Google Insights for Search into Google Trends.

Google Trends also allows the user to compare the relative search volume of searches between two or more terms.

Originally, Google neglected updating Google Trends on a regular basis. In March 2007, internet bloggers noticed that Google had not added new data since November 2006, and Trends was updated within a week. Google did not update Trends from March until July 30, and only after it was blogged about, again. Google now claims to be "updating the information provided by Google Trends daily; Hot Trends is updated hourly."

The data obtained from Google Trends has also been used to track changes in the timing biological processes as well as the geographic patterns of biological invasion. Google Trends has been shown to outperform survey‐based indicators.

Keyword Planner

Keyword research is a practice search engine optimization (SEO) professionals use to find and research search terms that users enter into search engines when looking for products, services or general information. Keywords are related to queries, which are asked by users in search engines.

It is a free tool that  allows you to search for suitable keywords for Google Ads campaigns as well as many different metrics for these keywords. The keyword planner can only be used in conjunction with a Google Ads account. It is firmly integrated into Google Ads and can be accessed via the toolbar.